铜镧合金粉 用 途:copper-Rare alloy powder has excellent thermal conductivity properties, rare earth elements can improve the mechanical properties and corrosion of copper corrosion, copper alloy widely used in a variety of materials, electrical contacts, circuit breakers and other electrical switches, the diamond tool in as additives, can effectively enhance the wear resistance of diamond tools, to extend the service life
焊接用磷铜粉 用 途:Are widely used in metallurgy, Welding material,friction materials and diamond tools, seals, etc.广泛应用于粉末冶金,焊接材料,摩擦材料和金刚石工具,密封件等,产品等可以全国各地送货,欢迎广大新老客户来人来电洽谈订购!联系人:18588611977 杜(经理)