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vap 11g wifi Bridge 无线网桥

品 牌: GAPLINK  
单 价: 85.00元/普通 
起 订: 1 普通 
供货总量: 1 普通
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
所在地: 湖南省 长沙市
有效期至: 2015-01-01
最后更新: 2012-11-23 16:36
浏览次数: 30

批发电话咨询:13424234458 企业QQ:2355618512 Dreambox with USB wifi dongle? Now it is po2355618512ssible, this USB WIFI Dongle for Dreambox can do it easily! Make your Dreambox Wireless!prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office"Features: vap 11g 1. The new addition of a USB wire is to connect a computer (desktop, laptop)for power, no need extra power adapter. 2. It can be used for any wireless network products, such as wireless router, IP camera,Azbox,Eagle,Dreambox,Network Printer,etc.Make ALL network products with Ethernet WIRELESS.3. Support any VoIP ATAs and VoIP Phones;4. Support Wifi model: AP Client;5. IEEE 802.11B/G compliant;6. Support WEP (64 bit), WEP (128 bit), WPA, WPA2 Security access;7. Support SSID broadcast Dreambox Watch the Demo video and if you have a usb device such as dm800, dm7020, dm8000, azboz, XBOX 360, PS3 etc etc... then you dont even need power just plug the usb cable into the usb slot of your device and it will take power from the USB. SO a must have gadget in every house as it has unlimited possibilities. What comes in the box? prefix VAP11G是华讯通达科技自主研发的,专为新兴的IP监控解决方案提供网络布线802.11B/G/11N WIFI桥设备,其主要特点有: 1、宽输入电压(DC5V —15V)、低功耗(<1.5W) 2、特配三个并联的DC电源接口:DC2.5电源孔、DC2.0电源插头、USB接 头(取电用),方便用户与其他IP设备共用电源 3、小巧轻便, 易于悬挂于墙角等不宜布线的位置 4、完全外置,标准RJ45以太网驳接,无需驱动可用于任何IP设备的接入 5、高稳定性、及优越的无线网络传输性能确保IP监控解决方案的完美实施 产品主要性能指标如下: 1. 支持Wifi 桥模式 2. 符合IEEE 802.11B/G无线网络传输协议;3. 支持WEP (64 bit), WEP (128 bit), WPA, WPA2 加密;4. 支持SSID broadcast.5. 频率: 2.4Ghz6. 无障碍无线传输100米

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