直联型减速机可与Y系列专用电动机及Y系列派生专用电动机组装在一起,如YB防爆电动机、YCT调速电动机、YEJ制动电动机等。 同时可与各类型号标准电动机、通过电机接盘联接。
本公司是专业生产制造摆线针轮减速历史较悠久的企业之一。摆线针轮减速机是采用行星传动原理及摆线针轮齿合新颖传动机械。该减速机可以广泛应 用于各种机械传动中的减速装置,如纺织、印染、轻工、食品、冶金、矿山、石油、化工起重运输及工程机型等领域中的驱动和减速装置。
We are of the oldest companies in china which omtribufe to the making of cycloid, reducer. Cycloidal reducer is new kind of gearing machine which is based on the theory of planeary and cycloid pin geating. This machine can the applied aidely in all sorts in all sorts of mechanical drivers’ reducers, for example: spinning machine, printing machine, food machine, mefallurgy machine, mining machine, petroleum machine, chemical industry machine, engineering machine, transporter machine and so on.